A Fate Inked in Blood by Danielle L. Jenson - Book Review

A Fate Inked in Blood by Danielle L. Jenson - Book Review

Review by @bulletjournalbychloe

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐


“You will not die today, Born-in-Fire, because I will slaughter anyone who comes near you. That is a promise.”

Thoughts💭 (spoilers)

I really enjoyed this book. I actually didn’t see the plot twist coming. I need the second book now to know what will happen next for Freya and Bjorn✨

I wanted more from their romance however. I wanted more anticipation🤣 but I did enjoy their love story… if it continues🤷🏼‍♀️

Freya’s love for her family🥹 and her dedication after everything they put her through❤️

Overall it was a great read, couldn’t put it down✨

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Review by @bulletjournalbychloe

Whisporia Rep

I love fantasy books and just starting to venture out into romance (which I’m loving!). I love journaling and create art. I combine this with reading which makes the perfect combo for me.

You will find me reading next to a Whisporia candle, cosy in bed with a cup of coffee and biscuits.

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