Reckless by Lauren Roberts - Book Review

Reckless by Lauren Roberts - Book Review

Review by @bulletjournalbychloe

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

“You promised to be my undoing. So prove it. Hate me enough to make me want you. Ruin me.”

The second book did not disappoint. I enjoyed every minute of it, constantly on the edge of my seat! The perfect mix of tension and humour.

I love how this continued on from powerless, exploring Paedyns and Kai’s relationship further. But that ending!!!! I can’t wait to see how book 3 plays out. I’m sure it will be another 5 star read!

I think I will be triggered by the word pretend for a while😂 It was great to find out more about each of the main characters pasts, although I still think there’s more to it.

I didn’t see the ending coming, although thinking back to Kitts chapters, I probably should have!

Book 3 can’t come sooner!

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Review by @bulletjournalbychloe

Whisporia Rep

I love fantasy books and just starting to venture out into romance (which I’m loving!). I love journaling and create art. I combine this with reading which makes the perfect combo for me.

You will find me reading next to a Whisporia candle, cosy in bed with a cup of coffee and biscuits.

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