Sub Zero by Junepurr - Book Review

Sub Zero by Junepurr - Book Review

Review by @bulletjournalbychloe

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Sub Zero was so intriguing! The story hooked me from the start. Two clans coming together, enemies to possible lovers? Who knows yet. I’m so eager to find out what happens next I need the second volume! I NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS NEXT!

The art work is beautiful and so detailed. The characters are stunning. Super easy to read and I couldn’t put it down.

If you love romance, fantasy and dragons, the is the manga for you!

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Review by @bulletjournalbychloe

Whisporia Rep

I love fantasy books and just starting to venture out into romance (which I’m loving!). I love journaling and create art. I combine this with reading which makes the perfect combo for me.

You will find me reading next to a Whisporia candle, cosy in bed with a cup of coffee and biscuits.

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