How to Get Away With Marriage by Fenna Edgewood - Book Review

How to Get Away With Marriage by Fenna Edgewood - Book Review

Review by @elle.cheshire

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

This is the first book in Fenna Edgewood’s latest Historical Romance series, and I loved it! This is the story of Hugh Cavendish who we first met in the Gardner Series, so I was very excited to find out we were getting a full story for Hugh as I already loved him from the moments, we’ve seen him in before. However, this is a standalone and can be read independently to the other series.

Hugh was charming and endearing and I adored his character, he was just the dash of charismatic fun I needed! Alongside Hugh we have Miss Beatrice Weston, aka Triss, who is a school teacher and not a part of Hugh’s world at all. I loved the class differences and seeing these two connect. Triss was such a stubborn, strong and independent women which I adored though I wished she was a little less stubborn sometimes! I really enjoyed the romance and liked Triss putting High through his paces, they were a very unexpected pairing, but it worked out beautifully. I have to say the very first interactions between Triss and Hugh hooked me into the story immediately, it was so entertaining, and I adored watching the story unfold.

There were a lot of side characters that were very compelling to read, and the ending had some twists I did not expect! I am very intrigued as to what will happen to these side characters, and I can’t wait to read a book with them at the forefront.

Overall, I think this is one of my favourite books by Fenna and I cannot wait for the rest of the series to be released!

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Review by @elle.cheshire

Whisporia Rep

A bit about me… I love all things morally grey and magical! 

My favourite series is Red Rising and I’m sucker for found family. 

I drink way too much tea and live out my fantasy dreams by visiting medieval festivals and doing archery! 

If I’m not reading you’ll find me writing my book or dreaming of far away places.

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