This book was EPIC. Even on my re read it was just a epic 🙌🏼
I absolutely loved the style - a compilation of letters, texts, transcribed video footage etc. It was so unique and done masterfully, working so well for the plot. The way the space scenes were done made it feel so chaotic and tangible and the Aidan pages gave us a disturbing insight into how it thinks. The whole thing was just put together so well.
And the plot! It starts off with a bang and doesn’t stop. The tension is there from the start and the authors never fail to press upon you the severity and emotion of the situation. And if having their home invading and destroyed wasn’t enough, we get a deadly chase through space, a horrifying pathogen and an insane AI. It adds up to a book that is addictive, fast paced and unforgettable.
Not only are Kady and Ezra are great characters and we get to understand and love them and really root for them but all the side characters are amazing! Every one of their deaths hit hard despite having little time with some of them, and those who survive have to make some very hard choices. But throughout it all you understand them and enjoy all the dynamics.
If you like high stakes sci if then please read this!!!