This was everything I wanted it to be!
I wouldn’t recommend it if you haven’t seen Buffy. It references the series heavily without explanation or world building explained - which is perfectly fine if you know the history and lore but if you don’t it’ll make little sense and is full of spoilers.
This explores a new generation with Frankie as an unprepared Slayer called, and her friends helping her along the way. We have characters from the series take a role as prominent side characters and I loved getting more time with them in this story. Plus we get to see Frankie building her own gang of friends to fight with her. I loved the group and all their dynamics. They were all layered, entertaining and with their own struggles. These characters really elevated the story.
Whilst I did like Frankie she wasn’t my favourite character, however I liked her growth and really felt for her as she struggled to live up the epic Buffy. If you’re expecting lots of badass best downs from Frankie then think again: she isn’t Buffy, she is essentially the unsure unpractised version any normal person would be in her situation. I actually found this a lot more relatable and a nice change.
The plot felt done in a classic Buffy style with old Sunnydale High being the centre for their training, research and planning. I liked the Big Bad and the building of tension alongside the overarching problem/ mystery though it wasn’t as climatic as I imagined it would be.
A very fun nostalgic read. I can’t wait to get the next book!