Ocean’s Echo by Everina Maxwell - Book Review

Ocean’s Echo by Everina Maxwell - Book Review

Review by @elle.cheshire

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

I don’t know why I put this off for so long?! It was an amazing read! I really loved Tennal and Surit, both so different but exactly what the other needs. Tennal in particular was such an interesting character to read, his pain and self destructive tendencies had me feeling all the emotions. The romance was incredibly slow burn but I was here for it. It took a direction I wasn’t expecting but the chaos and struggle was wonderfully written. I really enjoyed the military plot and the concept of Readers and Architects. The corruption and broken system was portrayed really well and the plot kept me interested as our two MCs became embroiled in the chaos.
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Review by @elle.cheshire

Whisporia Rep

A bit about me… I love all things morally grey and magical! 

My favourite series is Red Rising and I’m sucker for found family. 

I drink way too much tea and live out my fantasy dreams by visiting medieval festivals and doing archery! 

If I’m not reading you’ll find me writing my book or dreaming of far away places.

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