One for my enemy by Olivie Blake - Book Review

One for my enemy by Olivie Blake - Book Review

Review by @elle.cheshire

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Romeo and Juliet with witches was an immediate yes for me! I really liked the modern day setting and the concept of rival witch covens. The way each built their power base was interesting and their interwoven histories were well developed.

There were a lot of characters introduced early (which was not helped by the fact they all responded to about 3 different names) but once I got my head around them all I liked their family dynamics and the romances we were given. Though one was a little fast it worked with the narrative and was balanced perfectly with a deeper more complex one.

As expected we get tragedies and forbidden love and painful moments but also a lot of beautiful ones too, and not just between love interested but between all the characters. I really liked the character arcs and the links between siblings and romance. The ending was perfect and absolutely my favourite ending of all the Romeo and Juliet retellings I’ve read. The plot took an unexpected turn and delivered some great twists. I really enjoyed how this was done and how it gave a unique twists on this classic tale.

Olivie Blake has a unique writing style with a strong character based style with slower plot, each decision made with purpose - this was no exception. I enjoy her style and knowing what to expect going in but this style definitely isn’t for everyone.

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Review by @elle.cheshire

Whisporia Rep

A bit about me… I love all things morally grey and magical! 

My favourite series is Red Rising and I’m sucker for found family. 

I drink way too much tea and live out my fantasy dreams by visiting medieval festivals and doing archery! 

If I’m not reading you’ll find me writing my book or dreaming of far away places.

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