I really liked the setting, it felt like urban fantasy and a noir detective feel. The explanation about why the world was they way it was was interesting and I liked the storms and flooding the city experienced. The magic was also unique, with select people having powers given by different Gods, we got to lean about a range of abilities and they were all interesting and their inspiration clear.
The mystery was intriguing and had lots of different plot points thread through the story. I enjoyed seeing them slowly uncover the truth and loved how Io dealt with it all in the end. Io was a good character and I particularly liked learning about her complex history with her sisters. This was slowly revealed throughout and played an important role. I thought it was well written and definitely a highlight for me.
The romance was minimal though I’m expecting it have a bigger role in the sequel. I honestly wasn’t interested in the romance but I did like how it was left. Overall I really enjoyed this story! It was easy to read with a compelling plot and a dynamic setting with an intriguing magic system.