To All the Earls I’ve Loved Before by Fenna Edgewood - Book Review

To All the Earls I’ve Loved Before by Fenna Edgewood - Book Review

Review by @elle.cheshire

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

This is the second book in the Gardner Girls series, following the story of Gwendolen and Angel. These books can be read as standalone's as each has its own storyline and ending.

I have to say after I devoured the first book in the series I didn't think Gwendolen's story could live up to my very high expectations, but how wrong I was! Edgewood managed to make her so relatable and I really felt for her as her secrets came out. Gwendolyn was brave, kind, and selfless and every decision she made was for her son. I really loved seeing how she coped as a young widowed mother in society (she was a badass) and every time I learned more about her past the more connected I felt to her.

I felt that she reacted realistically to the things she’s endured and didn’t just jump at the chance to marry Angel but rather based the decision upon whether it was the best way to protect her son.

Angel was a wonderful character; he truly was an Angel, he was so honourable and just a genuinely good person who believed in doing what’s right, and he was delightfully charming and funny. I thoroughly enjoyed their every interaction and really loved Gwendolen and Angel together. They had great chemistry and I really enjoyed that they married at a good point in the book, so we got a lot of their post-marriage problems and drama. I also loved the underlying plot of Wrydham terrorising Gwendolen and Henry, and it made it feel very realistic - it’s a great reason for Gwen to marry, and that Wrydham’s history was so awful and horrifying made him a great villain who I loved to hate and I found that Angel was such a great contrast to the heinous Wrydham and I loved getting to see how it all played out.

Not only was the plot very gripping but it had a full cast of excellent, in-depth characters. It was nice to see Claire (the main character from book 1) from Gwendolen and Angel’s perspective and her grumpiness was hilarious. Getting to see Claire like this really put book 1 into a better perspective for me - I loved book 1 but knowing just how every else sees her adds to the story of book 1 for me.

I also loved Hugh and Rosalind as side characters, they provided a great lighter dynamic as well as giving the main characters more time together. I really loved seeing Gwendolen and Angel’s relationship develop and as always, the angst of neither thinking the other likes then was beautifully done and I couldn’t be happier with how it all went ended. The surprise at the end was delightful and tied up any loose ends as well as bringer another great dynamic to their family.

The amazing cast of characters was outshined only by how special Gwendolen and Angel’s relationship was, the trust and love shone through the page as they confided in one another and built a true relationship.

As always, I loved Fenna’s writing and it flowed beautifully. I also loved the letters that were strewn throughout - the first few were a little confusing as they’re only snippets but as the secrets came out and the story unfolded the letters added such an interesting insight into the events of the past and gave us some new point of views for some of these events - these were woven really well into the story!

Overall, a superb read with two captivating characters - a different change of pace form book 1 but it worked perfectly. It was a great read, and I would highly recommend for those looking for a well-developed, swoon-worthy story full of heartache, loyalty and love

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Review by @elle.cheshire

Whisporia Rep

A bit about me… I love all things morally grey and magical! 

My favourite series is Red Rising and I’m sucker for found family. 

I drink way too much tea and live out my fantasy dreams by visiting medieval festivals and doing archery! 

If I’m not reading you’ll find me writing my book or dreaming of far away places.

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