Business Casual by B.K. Borison - Book Review

Business Casual by B.K. Borison - Book Review

Review by Whisporia

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

When you finish a book at 1:30am and instantly head to the notes app on your phone to start writing a review... You know it was a good one!

Business Casual was everything and more, I was not ready for my time in Inglewild to end, but this story was so utterly perfect I don't at all feel like I've said goodbye. I genuinely feel like all the characters are just carrying on living their happiest lives and that one day I'll pop back and see them.

Business Casual is the fourth book in the Lovelight Farms series and whilst these 4 books are individual stories and could in theory be read alone, I think the best reading experience would be reading them in chronological order. You’ll get to know the characters, their back stories etc and have no spoilers.

Anyone who knows me will know I fell head over heels for Lovelight Farms, I was there googling how possible it was to open a Christmas Tree Farm in the UK and debating if my car needed another tree air freshener. I adored Luka and Stella's story and waxed lyrical about that to anyone who would listen.

In the Weeds was next and my heart absolutely broke for Beckett and Evie. I adored these two like my life depended on it. Beckett was everything. Grumpy, soft, in need of love…but my does that man have a way with words! Evie was the sweetest and the happiness they found in loving each other was a dream.

Then along came Mixed Signals and once again I fell hard (yes I googled opening a bakery). Caleb and Layla were adorable, they’re both such warm rays of sunshine and I just wanted to wrap them up in happiness. The spice was on point with this one and their dynamic and banter was off the charts.

Then finally Business Casual. I was waiting for this book like I wait for autumn every single year. I saw the US Arcs go up on netgalley and checked so often it was verging on ridiculous to see if the UK ones had gone up. In my head knowing my chances of getting one were pretty slim, but that I'd try anyway! Then the fateful day came when BK Borison shared that UK arcs were up. I don't think I've ever tried to log in so fast, in my haste I typed my password wrong multiple times, couldn't get in and then had to go into a call for work! But fear not dear reader as I remembered the password was saved on my iPad and within seconds I was in and had put in my request.... Then... The wait. I tried to not think about it, expecting a decline, expecting a thanks...but no.
Then 2 days before my birthday I woke up to an approval email, it is no word of a lie when I say I squealed!

Spoilers ahead…

I have never downloaded a book so fast and got straight in. It had been a while since I finished Mixed Signals (over a year) but I was too impatient to get myself up to speed, so I just went straight in. Within a handful of pages it was like I’d never left Inglewild though. B.K pulls you straight back in with her captivating writing and characters that just come to life on the page.

Charlie is an absolute golden retriever, but with a good dose of cheekiness which quite frankly makes him perfect. As an investment banker with a fondness for ridiculously priced 3-piece suits and wrist watches there was so much potential for him to look down on the small town and day to day life. But actually it’s quite the opposite and when the opportunity to send Stella (his sister) and Luka away on a honeymoon let’s him take over looking after the farm - he can’t help but take it.

Meanwhile Nova (Beckett’s younger sister) is working her socks off prepping to open her own tattoo studio and fighting the internal battles of not wanting to disappoint her brother. Wracked with nerves and anxiety, and also taking on probably more than she can manage, having Charlie there to lend a hand and entertain her with banter is a welcome constant.

But when the banter changes pace and the two anti-relationship friends find themselves making a pact for one night together to get the tension out of their systems… there was really only one way this story was heading!

I loved both our main characters. Charlie, as mentioned above is the perfect golden retriever, he would do anything for Nova (and consistently does!), he’s a chronic people pleaser and is fighting his own demons and struggles as he tries so hard to not intrude on lives, to not make himself a nuisance. Hiding it all behind the cheeky fun loving guy persona. I wanted to sit down with Charlie and tell him he is so worthy of love, that he deserves to be looked after and that he needs Nova just as much as she needs him.
Nova is feisty and determined. She has big goals and even bigger worries. Her people pleasing and need to not disappoint anyone was so relatable and without a doubt I just wanted Nova to be my friend the more and more I read. She’s so strong and I was so proud of her. She is so determined she needs to do this alone, to not ask for help, to not be seen as weak.

Ultimately we get to see these two heal together, to lean on each other in a way neither of them could ever see coming. Yes this story starts with a lust filled one night stand, but it soon becomes apparent that the affection and love has been there between them for so long and that the attraction goes so much deeper than a couple of friends clearing the air of sexual tension. The romance story that follows has the perfect blend of sugar and spice, I found myself entirely consumed by them and breaking each and every time one of them was not quite brave enough to say how they really felt.

The happy ending was a given, but the journey to get there could not have been better. This book had me laughing, crying, swooning and squealing in equal measure. It was perfect. These two characters and the home they find in each other will live rent free in my head and heart for a long time to come.

Finally, that last wrap up scene with all our favourite characters. I don’t think I can ever thank B.K enough for this. Normally I find the scene with returning characters a little jarring, they’re normally a chunk of time after the story and leave me feeling like I’ve missed a whole chunk of the characters lives. But this coming immediately at the end was just perfect (how many times can I say perfect in a review?!) it neatly wrapped up the storylines with a perfect bow on top, everyone there together, the dream friendship come family group, the perfect (there it is again) end to a wonderful series. I genuinely finished the last page feeling so many warm fuzzies and ready to make this series my whole personality, and whilst I know this is the last book in the series, I just feel like I could pop by and catch up with all my favourite characters any time. Thank you B.K for this incredible series, I cannot wait to loose myself in your next world and fall in love with all the future characters you create.

Thank you to NetGalley and Pan Macmillan for the eARC of this book, I will be eternally grateful for getting to read this early.


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Review by Emily

One half of Whisporia and a lover of pages, plants and planners. Often to be found with a cup of tea and ten books on the go at once.