Aaaaah, this small town romance is EVERYTHING! I loved this book!
This is my first book from this author and althrough I’ve been wanting to pick up any of the other 3 books from Inglewild, somehow I never do… very hyped books phobia, anyone? But I am so glad I managed to muster the courage and actually read Business Casual. I must confess, I was surprised with how inclusive this book felt, we have loads of different characters (from what I assume are from previous books and let me tell you, Becks, I’m coming for your book!) and meet cutes. We have Nora that suffers from chronic migraines and how challenging it can be to deal with them, we have Charlie who seems to be a goofy happy guy that is actually just trying to please everyone and make everyone happy and then we have that dynamic between these two characters that brings the best out of each other.
The writing was very good, I quite enjoyed the easy going approach and seriousness when needed. I must say I do have a bit of a soft spot for Charlie and I thought it was quite refreshing seeing a MMC like him! And on that note, off I go to read the rest of the books from Inglewild because I fell for all of the side characters/couples and now need to read their own stories.