Chaos and Flame follows this Romeo and Juliet twist setting where Talon, from House Dragon, suddenly finds the girl (Darling) his brother has been obsessively drawing since he was a young child and she’s not only the enemy, she’s also the only survival of House Sphinx, all of them murdered by House Dragon.
My favourite character was probably the High Prince, Caspian of House Dragon. He’s eccentric, erratic, unpredictable and it was really interesting trying to put the pieces together.
This was a very quick read for me and I quite enjoyed it - it was easy to get into, easy to understand the world build up and has an enemies-to-lovers setting. I love and hate how short this book was…! First, it’s ideal for a one day read as it’s quite short; and second it’s too short, you will want more! Definitely excited to read it’s sequel when it comes out in May!