Cross the Line by Simone Soltani - Book Review

Cross the Line by Simone Soltani - Book Review

Review by @maria_bookshelf

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Can we start making it norm to promote healthy relationships? I LOVED this book and it was exactly what I needed after reading 20+ fantasies in a row! I’m not one for romcom and this was my first F1 themed romcom and honestly, I really enjoyed it!

The writing was very good, I really liked that the story had both main characters POV and I love that they’ve been in each other lives since forever (he’s part of her older brother’s friend group). I quite enjoyed the F1 aspect to it and can see why people are going crazy over F1 romcoms at the moment!

All characters feel genuine and are relatable and you do want to see them thrive! I must mention again how healthy their relationship is: we definitely need more healthy relationships in romcoms! There is disability representation, there is slow burn, there is friends to lovers and fast (veeery fast) cars! I now feel recharged to read another set of fantasies!

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Review by @maria_bookshelf

Whisporia Rep

I am an avid reader, always looking for my next superb read and a fantasy lover! I adore far too many books and if I were to pick my latest gem of a book, it would be ‘The Poisons We Drink’ by Bethany Baptist! 

Others from my repertoire of forever in my heart also include, ‘The Whispering Dark’ by Kelly Andrew, ‘The Nature of Witches’ by Rachel Griffin and the classics of ‘The Shadowhunter Chronicles’ by Cassie Clare! 

When not surrounded by book, I like to look at flowers, visit new places and be with my partner! I am also obsessed with the colour pink!

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