Evocation by ST Gibson - Book Review

Evocation by ST Gibson - Book Review

Review by @maria_bookshelf

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️✨

I thought for a long while on how I should rate and write this review and in the end, I decided to rate it emotionally - like I do for 95% of the books!

I really liked the writing: it was the first book I’ve read from this author and I found it to be quite compelling. It starts slow but has a really nice pace, I really liked the initial love triangle vibes, I liked that all three main characters had their own POV and they were quite different and complex from each other.

The main story is interesting, we have this ‘unexpected’ possession of David and he must work with his past flame and his new wife to try and get his life back on tracks. There’s quite a bit of the occult, different types of evocations specialities which I thought made the plot quite unique.

However, I found it getting a little bit boring towards the end which made me want to skip a few bits and I just wanted to reach the end and finish the book. The main reason for my rating was because I felt blind-sided about the polygamy relationship (I believe it’s the why choose trope?) that evolves towards the end, which for me personally, was too much and I don’t think I would have picked up this book had I known.

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Review by @maria_bookshelf

Whisporia Rep

I am an avid reader, always looking for my next superb read and a fantasy lover! I adore far too many books and if I were to pick my latest gem of a book, it would be ‘The Poisons We Drink’ by Bethany Baptist! 

Others from my repertoire of forever in my heart also include, ‘The Whispering Dark’ by Kelly Andrew, ‘The Nature of Witches’ by Rachel Griffin and the classics of ‘The Shadowhunter Chronicles’ by Cassie Clare! 

When not surrounded by book, I like to look at flowers, visit new places and be with my partner! I am also obsessed with the colour pink!

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