Six More Months of June by Daisy Garrison - Book Review

Six More Months of June by Daisy Garrison - Book Review

Review by @maria_bookshelf

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Let me start by saying that although this is a YA book, it definitely was more complex than I thought it would be - which was WONDERFUL! Six Months of June approaches difficult subjects and all the characters felt so organic, genuine and needed to the story. The flow of the writing was a mix between teenage chaos, growing up and healing traumas which I though was unique and very good. We have friends-to-lovers, teenage angst, high school vibes, opposite attract, grumpy and sunshine characters.

I could not put this book down and finished in a few hours, with a tear or two. Super recommend it!

This book definitely delves into themes of trauma so I greatly recommend checking for trigger warnings. However, I felt that they were dealt with care and sensibility.

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Review by @maria_bookshelf

Whisporia Rep

I am an avid reader, always looking for my next superb read and a fantasy lover! I adore far too many books and if I were to pick my latest gem of a book, it would be ‘The Poisons We Drink’ by Bethany Baptist! 

Others from my repertoire of forever in my heart also include, ‘The Whispering Dark’ by Kelly Andrew, ‘The Nature of Witches’ by Rachel Griffin and the classics of ‘The Shadowhunter Chronicles’ by Cassie Clare! 

When not surrounded by book, I like to look at flowers, visit new places and be with my partner! I am also obsessed with the colour pink!

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