The Wren in the Holly Library by K A Linde - Book Review

The Wren in the Holly Library by K A Linde - Book Review

Review by @maria_bookshelf

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Urban fantasies have always had a special place in my heart and I’m always on the look out for new urban fantasies and let me tell you, this book delivered! I devoured The Wren in the Holly Library and was hard whenever I had to put it down to do other things. The writing was really good and I personally love the way this author incorporated and builded a ‘modern’ storyline around pagan Celtic folklore - I didn’t know about this particular folklore and absolutely loved it.

All of our characters felt complex and genuine, had their own scars and growth and I felt that they were all good and important for each other - they really complimented the storyline really beautifully. Graves does give Beast vibes - by him being a monster, previous *spoiler* and owning a gorgeous library -, but Wren is certainly no damsel in distress and I loved feeling included in this journey of hers.

I loved this book, The Wren in the Holly Library is exactly why I love romantasies and I greatly recommend this book! This book is filled with… magic.

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Review by @maria_bookshelf

Whisporia Rep

I am an avid reader, always looking for my next superb read and a fantasy lover! I adore far too many books and if I were to pick my latest gem of a book, it would be ‘The Poisons We Drink’ by Bethany Baptist! 

Others from my repertoire of forever in my heart also include, ‘The Whispering Dark’ by Kelly Andrew, ‘The Nature of Witches’ by Rachel Griffin and the classics of ‘The Shadowhunter Chronicles’ by Cassie Clare! 

When not surrounded by book, I like to look at flowers, visit new places and be with my partner! I am also obsessed with the colour pink!

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